If you have no other income other than short term capital gains, then you need not pay any tax on it till 1.1 lakhs (If your are male.) Regarding the transaction tax, you cannot claim back transaction tax in case of short term capital gains. It is only allwed to claim back the transaction tax if your shares income is your Trading (Business) income. See some examples below. See example-3 for you.
If your income including short term capital gains are less than 1.1 lakhs, then no tax payable.
0,60,000 salary
0,50,000 short term capital gains from shares
1,10,000 Total income
1,10,000 less Exemption
0,00,000 Net taxable income.
1,00,000 Salary
1,10,000 Short term capital gains from shares
2,10,000 Total income
1,10,000 less exemption
1,00,000 taxable @10% flat rate
1,20,000 Your short term capital gains
1,10,000 Less taxs exemption for Male
0,10,000 Bal. Amt. on which you have to pay tax @10%
Tax on Rs.10,000 @10% including Education cess= 1,030/-